Cambria County is currently experiencing a local crisis in the midst of a national crisis as it relates to the number of people both becoming addicted and dying from opioid related drugs. Last year alone 94 people within the county died and Cambria County had Pennsylvania’s fifth-highest rate of hospitalizations for drug overdoses. This is not something that discriminates and it is happening in all parts of Cambria County.
The impact of this crisis is shared not only by those in direct contact to the person facing substance use disorders (family, employers, friends, etc.) but also by the community at large. First responders, law enforcement, schools, the judicial system, and social systems are all affected. Increased first responders and training is needed, jails are becoming crowded, and social services are seeing their highest turnover due to staff being unprepared to deal with the fallout within homes.
The families are bearing the burden of helping their loved ones and more importantly individuals with substance use disorders are looking for help to overcome the disease.
The O.P.T.OUT group is coming together with the goal of making an impact on a very big problem that Cambria County is currently facing.
While the ultimate goal would be to cure addiction and eliminate drug overdoses from our community, O.P.T.OUT is aiming at investing our resources in certain prevention and awareness projects. The goal is to help make an impact in the community by reducing the number of people dying or becoming addicted each year and provide help and support to those family members who are impacted by substance use disorders.

You can help solve this epidemic!
Your tax deductible contribution can also be sent to the Greater Johnstown/Cambria County Chamber Foundation at:
245 Market Street, Suite 100, Johnstown, PA, 15901-2910.